Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

after some years

hai blogwalker yang kemungkinan besar  sudah punah

suddenly i felt this urge to check on this blog. rutinitas setiap pulang sekolah back then at junior high. entah liat post temen, baca chatbox, atau bales komen. entah kenapa jaman itu blogging hits banget. dulu guru TIK kita emang ngebiasain kita menulis untuk umum ( which, after some blogwalking through my old posts, i didnt succeed very well. )

awalnya terpaksa ngebuat blog ini karena tugas photoshop yang sudah susah payah kita kerjain akan dinilai hanya jika sudah di post di blog. besides email, this blog is basically my first virtual account. because technically i signed up for those 'things' but give up on second day, or not even bother to try.  friendster, facebook, twitter, formspring, plurk, ym, msn none of that catches me. seeing everyone's addiction over those things enough to making me sign up but never actually joining the lifestyle. but that's ancient  history. not that now im addicted to those, but situations are different now.

MANY things are different within 4 years

I AM NO LONGER A STUDENT. well, sebenernya mahasiswa kalo dalam bahasa inggris student juga sih. tapi puji syukur bahasa indonesia membedakam siswa dengan mahasiswa. menurut oskm, kaderisasi itb, mahasiswa itu singkatnya punya tanggung jawab besar di masyarakat. karena..... zzziiiiing lupa. hahhha. intinya masyarakat sipil mengandalkan mahasiswa sebagai kalangan terpelejar. tapi versi oskm jauuuh lebih ngena, make sense, reasonable. pembedaan predikat kepada siswa dan mahasiswa harusnya ngebuat mahasiswa sadar posisi potensi dan perannya. besides that! i would like to take it as reward for our fight for achieving our degree. because in my amateur newby unexperienced prespective, its not gonna be easy. this combat is gonna be frickin hard to finish. phase after phase will be a  tottally different story compare to high school. sadly i know i havent fight well.

setelah melihat melihat secara random beberapa post di tahun 2010, saat intensitas menulis blog masih sangat tinggi, turns out some posts does make me really think and remember many things. it makes me want to write this post

at that time i really enjoying blog. so do my friends. semua kejadian di sekolah kita ceritakan di blog. kami tahu cerita temen temen lain juga dr blog. bukan cuma tentang ngepost. kita saling komen di post temen atau ngespam di chatbox atau cari cari widget, template dan header supaya tampilan blognya ngehits. padahal jaman itu blogging masih susah dilakuakn di handphone. paling paling bisanya cuma ngepost atau baca post orang, itu juga tampilannya ga enak. tapi kita bela belain paling ga seminggu dua kalilah menghasilkan post biar blognya ttp update. tp setelah dibaca lagi most of my  post are not necessary to be posted. no, i dont even see any reason why i wrote that and put that on public. i remember at that time i just want to post anything that happens. those things that i wont publish in the present. but that i posted that back then, it shows that some Parts of me has changed. parts that, unless i reread those post i wont realize it has changed or more importantly it ever been a part of me. some of that make me miss my old 'self' some parts make me thank it is my 'old' self, some others confuse me am i still that kind of person.

the way you express your thoughts really do reflects your personalities. thats pretty shocking for me . itu makanya post ini super duper jaim. terlihat dari dihindarinya penggunaan kata ganti orang pertama, karena super bingung  harus pake saya aku gue aing atau penulis. instead, whenever it is inevitable, i changed to english so i can simply using "I".

we will see what i feel about this particular post after some years